all allergy tests
Skin Pricktesting, Prick to Pricktesting, intradermal testing,
epicutaneous testing* (Mon, Tue, Fri)
Inhalant allergies (hay fever, bronchial asthma)
Food allergy
Coeliac disease
Food intolerance
Histamine intolerance
Lactose intolerance
Fructose intolerance
Eczma: contact dermatitis, atopic dermatitis
Lung function testing
Assessment of IgE & specific IgE
Component based diagnosis
Allergychip - ISAC, ALEX - on request
Private services:
Lactose- /fructose-/ sorbittest: 75€
Sibo (bacterial misssetlement) 75€
Lactosegentest 75€
Histamine in blood: 40€
Allergy chip
ALEX 187€
subcutanous immunotherapy – SCIT
sublingual immuntherapy – SLIT
allergen tablet immunotherapy – AIT
the cost of specific immunotherapy is covered by your health insurance
Please make an appointment on the telephone: +43 1 270 25 30
Please also use our online appointment system!
Pleas note:
The FAZ is an appointment clinic for diagnosis of allergic diseases and not an acute outpatient clinic.
In case of acute symptoms, please contact specialists or hospital outpatient departments.